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Carbon Management & Supply Chain Software

Climate data for business outcomes

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Top companies partner with Optera to scale sustainably.

  • $187B+

    supply chain spend tracked in Optera

  • 225M+

    metric tonnes of CO2e tracked across 84,000+ customer sites

  • 20+

    years of work with leading companies and NGOs


The tools you need to make an impact

  • Year-over-year emission and resource use trends, hotspot identification, and forecasts against targets drive strategic decision-making.

  • Leverage 10,000+ companies’ first-party emissions data and a global emission factors database to deliver the most robust, audit-ready reports with confidence.

  • Consolidate your scope 1, 2, and 3 data in one place, through automated integrations and with support from the Optera team.

  • Map data to your unique organizational structure, set custom tags, and flexibly manage your reporting and reduction planning.

  • Benefit from a dedicated Optera team offering guidance and strategic direction, included in all software engagements.

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Demo: Scopes 1, 2, and 3
Demo: Supply chain capabilities
Demo: Financed emissions capabilities
Demo: Social and governance metrics
GHG emissions inventory or reporting support
Inventory verification
Emissions reduction initiatives
The RBA's Emissions Management Tool
Partnership with SPS Commerce
Search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
Article or publication
Industry analyst/customer review site
Social media
Referral/word of mouth